Our Achievements

Pastry lovers from over 180 countries are now students at KICA Academy

Our courses cover everything from cakes, entremets, macarons, eclairs, chocolates and chocolate bars to gluten- and lactose-free pastries.

More than 50 books filled with tried-and-tested recipes have been produced by KICA Academy, and are enjoyed by pastry lovers all across the world!

Our Story

Following the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war, KICA Academy has continued its work, making books, videos and courses for its students. We offer a special four-month online diploma course, “The Big Basic Pastry Course”, which teaches students about the theory and basics of pastry-making – if you pass the assessment, you’ll receive your very own diploma from KICA Academy!


Prior to the COVID pandemic, KICA Academy was visited frequently by world-class pastry chefs. For several years, we also organized trips to French pastry schools for our students. Since 2020, we have held regular online webinars that are free for all students to attend.


Following the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war, KICA Academy has continued its work, making books, videos and courses for its students. We offer a special four-month online diploma course, “The Big Basic Pastry Course”, which teaches students about the theory and basics of pastry-making – if you pass the assessment, you’ll receive your very own diploma from KICA Academy!


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