Return Policy

Upon making an order and payment, in every individual case, you have the right to refuse the Services and request refund. You have the right to declined the purchased services by informing us within the specified time.

The refund, as well as the retained amount incidental to a refund, depends on the date of receiving the refund request.

Online service refusal policy

Tuition fees may be refunded if the participant applies for a refund no later than on the 14th calendar days of training in case the learning format doesn’t fit the participant or there are force majeure circumstances not allowing the participant to continue training. In any other case, after the 14th calendar day of training, a refund is not possible.

Participation in offline events and trips refusal policy

If the refund request is received before the 30th day before the date of the event or master class, regardless of any reason, — you receive a full refund (less and except payment systems fees, hotel and pastry school fines and other fined related to refund); after the 30th day, no refund is issued.

Refund processing

For cancellation of services please contact us at or reach our customer service at the number indicated on the website. We confirm the receiving of the request for a refund via e-mail message you indicate at the moment of making an order

To make the refund, please submit us the following details: full name and e-mail address indicated while making the order; the name of the Service (course, the package of services); the date of the order; payment information; reasons for service cancellation and other necessary information. You understand in the event that you do not provide us with all the necessary information, we have the right to decline the refund and do not consider your request.

Consequences of service cancellation

If you request a refund within the specified period, we are to refund within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receiving the request. To refund you the funds we use the same method of payment which you used when you paid for the services. We detain from the refund amount of all the additional bank and payment system commissions related to refund.

In the event that you did not use the services (did not participate in the event, did not watch available classes) through no fault of ours or you refused using the services violating the time limit and established order no refund is issued for such services.

Specific cancellation conditions and supplementary guarantee for a refund
We specifically reserve the right to prescribe other rules of cancellation for certain Services (programs of studying, products, live events, webinars, courses, etc.) or provide you with supplementary guarantees for an unconditional refund by publishing the specific Terms and Conditions for service cancellation on the selling product page.

Service rendering time extension

No later than two (2) months after the date of the service payment (making the first payment) you have the right to request to postpone the Services for the other dates and complete training with the following current of students (under the terms and conditions of the similar package of services, purchased for equivalent price). In this case, the refund is not issued, and we are to inform about new open dates for studying. Service rendering time extension is possible for not more than one time. To abide the specified period, you need to inform us in the order specified for making the refund request.

We specifically reserve the right to prescribe other rules of Services rendering time extension for certain products by publishing the specific time extension Terms and Conditions on the product page.

Application of funds to pay for another product

No later than two (2) months after the date of payment, you have the right to request to enroll the paid funds in payment for any other our product (Services). In the event that the price of the product to purchase exceeds the amount you have paid (your deposit), you shall pay the balance until the beginning of the Service rendering. In the event the deposit amount exceeds the cost of the ordered product, the cost difference is not refunded.

To abide the specified period, you need to inform us in the order specified for making the refund request.

Cancellation period expiry

In the event that the Services were provided in full volume until the expiry date (for instance: you received the access to all the lessons and materials) and/or until the moment of receiving the refund request, no refund is issued. In the event of receiving the refund request (cancellation of services) violating the indicated period for cancellation, no refund is issued.